I had the privilege of seeing and feeling a very rare and insanely expensive Masterbuilt Fender Custom Shop model today. It’s a real beauty up close. I wished I had my DSLR with me to capture it’s true beauty in better definition but all I had was my crappy iPhone camera at moments notice.
Fender Midnight Opulence Masterbuilt by Yuriy Shishkov

One in the world hand built from scratch and designed over 9 months by master builder Yuriy Shishkov. This work of art showcases a dazzling display of workmanship integrating 278 natural jewels including 161 diamonds with pieces of citrin, blue topaz, peridot, emeralds, and hand hammered fine silver and rose gold.
Price: USD$90,000.
• Select Alder
• Midnight Purple Oil Finish
• 4A Birds Eye Maple Neck
• Handwound 60’s Strat Pickups
• 278 Natural Jewels
• 161 Diamonds with pieces of Citrin, Blue Topaz, Peridot and Emeralds
• Add design, jewellery inlay work by Yuriy Shishkov
• Hand hammered wire of Fine Silver & Rose Gold
• Matching Intricate Custom Designed Strap
• Certificate of Authenticity included
Only available at BGW Guitars
Story has it that this guitar was won through a silent auction by the owner of BGW Guitars. A rich Myanmar businessman took great interest in it but the deal did not fall through with the good folks at BGW. I’m humbled just by being in the same proximity with her. Thanks to Brendon and Godfrey for allowing me to photograph this fine instrument. Got USD$90000 to spare?