This Moron apparently shoplifted at SV Guitars at peninsula on the 26th of November 2009. The stolen guitar is a Swing Prism in white finish valued at appoximately SGD$1k.Poor Mike, letting someone pull a fast one on him and get away like this.
Anyway, if you know this Moron in the pictures below, Please contact Mike at info@svguitars.com or give him a buzz at +65-63686586
Your help will be greatly appreciated.

This guy has got some nerves! Who would have thought anyone would shoplift a guitar out of a retail shop and just walk out with a guitar in his hands in broad daylight.
if anyone is going to pull such a stunt, why not pick a high calibre guitar?! Why choose a Swing Prism?! There's a couple of shops in the same building that holds some pretty high end guitars that are housed in similiar fashion like SV guitars.
Got to hand it to Mr Moron for his balls of steel but what goes around comes around. In my opinion, a Swing Prism just ain't worth the effort.