Just picked this up pre owned. It's a mid 1980's Burny Les Paul Custom in sparkle gold. It.s 95% Stock. It's original color is in sparkle silver but through time and aging, it has tunred to a nice sparkle gold. It's hard to tell the make and details on a vintage burny. There isn't much information to be googled. Still trying to discover the roots of this guitar.

I took her apart to have her re-furbished after more than 2 decades. There was a lot of dirt and grime on the fretboard. Some deep conditioning with Jim Dunlop's deep treatment oil made the difference. I used Jim Dunlop guitar wax polish to clean off the Oxidation on the hardware as well. I noticed that the pickups are the legendary VH-1's. There's still a sticker on the back of each pickup with that label. Seeing those sticker labels really made my day.

This plays very well. I played it through a VOX 100VT with a Digitech Hardwire CM2 and Boss CS3. Very thick punchy tone with walls of warmth and sustain. The VH-1's sound very PAFish but the pickups can induce hum very easily with high gain. I haven't played this hard and long for a long time. It's inspiring when you pick up something that feels good and sounds great. This one is a keeper.

Original Color should have been a sparkle silver. thanks to a previous sticker of some sort on the back of the guitar, I can see the effect of a beatifully aged guitar. Changed from silver to GOLD...
Love it! Just eye candy. This is not a les paul custom you see everyday with a sparkle vintage finish.